Manuvision, Osteopathy & Massage in Barcelona

MANUVISION, Osteopathy & Massage


MANUVISION is a psychophysical therapy born in Denmark which is becoming more and more popular all over the world.

It offers a deep work on the nervous system through the body and the breath as the doorway.

Its strong emphasis on breathing and empathy where the therapist guides and breathes with the patient, creates a trusting relationship, a safe space to let go and express the blockages accumulated in your body and mind.

As no two people are the same, nor are we the same throughout life – each session is unique and adapted to the needs of the moment. 

What is it used for?

A Manuvision treatment is always, always and always beneficial! Whether you have a real health problem, wish to recover from a recent or chronic physical or emotional injury, to work on your self-knowledge and personal development, or are simply looking for inspiration and come to refresh your body and mind.

Manuvision is a powerful tool for balancing the nervous system and how it governs all other systems of the body, directly influencing digestion, circulatory, lymphatic, hormonal and therefore emotional systems. 

It restores the body’s natural ability to regenerate and heal by boosting energy and clearing the mind’s narratives. 

Many patients describe the feeling of being relieved, light and clear-headed after the session, suddenly everything “clicks” and perspective is found to problems that were previously unsolvable. 

Recently in Denmark an in-depth clinical study was conducted on the effectiveness of Manuvision in the treatment and improvement of ex-soldiers with PTSD and post-traumatic stress syndrome. The study, promoted by the Danish government itself, was a resounding success, and was the first time that a body therapy has been put under scientific investigation in this country!

To whom else is it directed?

Manuvision treatments are indicated to:

Athletes before, during and after a competition or test who want to increase their performance or rehabilitate faster.

Actors, Dancers, Musicians or other artists working through the body who want to know themselves better and connect with their body, increase proprioception, increase the range of mobility of their joints and investigate the possible connection that different parts of the body have with emotions.

Seniors who want to keep fit, work on their joint mobility and increase their connection with their body, breathing and proprioception.

What is a session like?

A Manuvision treatment is almost like a dance between massage, active meditation or mindfulness and osteopathy.

It is a dynamic pulsating massage, acupressure on the meridians, stretching, reflexology and release of the joints with osteopathic manipulations.

What happens during the treatment?

During the treatment a deep release occurs throughout the body, breathing becomes free and deep, blood and lymphatic circulation is activated throughout the body which accelerates its natural capacity for self-healing, toning and regulating the nervous, digestive, hormonal and emotional system.


About me

I was born in 1988, in Ternopil, Ukraine. As a child I was a creative and restless girl; I liked painting, reading encyclopedias, writing stories, organizing concerts and plays with my younger siblings for my relatives.

If I had to look for key moments that defined my way of being and perceiving the world it would be the summers I spent at my paternal great-grandmother Olga’s cottage and the numerous trips to nature we took with my parents and maternal grandparents.

I always had a special connection with nature. I was good at sitting still and listening, looking, smelling… being fascinated by it: the summer rain and its thunder; the hypnotic and sparkling fire of the campfires when camping in the woods; the night sky full of huge and bright stars… They, for their part, never tired of reminding me: to pay attention, to listen to the forest, to step carefully so I could see and hear more. And when I did so, I remember feeling like I was inside nature, melting into the ground and the trees that surrounded us. A truly magical feeling.

When I was 14 years old my family decided to move to Barcelona and once here, and having finished high school, it took me a few years before I found my true vocation: a profession that really fulfilled me and that I felt mine.

At 18 I read “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho – a book that awakened my curiosity for connections, coincidences and non-tangible things. I remembered sensations that apparently I was already used to in my childhood: they were familiar and forgotten at the same time! I read more, I remember devouring books by Osho, Deepak Chopra and everything I could find. I went to yoga classes and took workshops on chakras and energies where once, by chance, they gave an introduction to meridian massage and I discovered the connection I had with my hands.

Training as a therapist

In 2008 I trained as a chiromassage therapist but my curiosity to get to the bottom of the human body led me to continue studying. I attended courses in Shiatsu, Thai massage, etc.

In 2013 I took 4 years and qualified in structural, peripheral, organic and cranio-sacral osteopathy at the renowned school of motility and pisco-osteopathy EMPO in Barcelona, where I learned deep anatomy, a holistic view of the human body and being able to get to the bottom of a problem.

In 2016 I came across MANUVISION and this amazing pisco-physical technique born in Denmark captivated me from the first time I tried it. And it had it all: a physical and dynamic part very similar to a massage, osteopathy and the very powerful emotional release part!

In 2017 I did the 2-year training between Barcelona, Denmark and Sweden to train as a Manuvision therapist and trainer.

Between 2018 and 2019 I did several projects as a Manuvision therapist around Europe (Holland, France, Denmark and Ukraine) and currently I am dedicated to give treatments and trainings.

Every spring and autumn, together with my Manuvision collective we organize a fast – a unique experience of self-knowledge and purification where we learn about the meridians and detoxify the body and mind with exercises and massage.